GP Consultation Aid

Compendium of Guidelines

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Hello, I'm Dr Nwogu[MBBS,DRCOG,MRCGP].Welcome to my website.Below are diagnostic and treatment guidelines collated from several relevant sources.

It is your responsibility to correlate the resources here with your local Trust/regional guidelines, and ensure you are using the most up to date guidelines.

Menopause/HRT(Hormone Replacement Therapy) Guideline

Image here

Menopause/HRT(Hormone Replacement Therapy) Guideline

Image here

Antibiotic/Antimicrobial Guidelines

Image here

Management of Diverticular Disease

Image here

Assessments of Fits/Funny Turns in Children

Image here

Gout Management

Image here

Longterm Gout Management

Image here

Sick Day Rules

Image here

Sick Day Rule for Adrenal Patients

Image here

Sick Day Rule for Adrenal Patients(Preventing Addisonian Crisis)

Image here

Adult Steroid Card

Image here

Paediatric Steroid Card

Image here

Acne Management

Image here

More on Acne Management

Image here

Acne Mgt(Wessex NHS)

Image here

Eczema Management

Image here

Topical Steroid Ladder

Image here

Emollient Ladder

Image here

Cutaneous vasculitis algorithm

Image here

Urticaria vs Urticarial vasculitis algorithm

Image here

Assessment of Urticaria/Angioedema

Image here

Management of Urticaria/Angioedema

Image here

Management of an Isolated Acute Angioedema

Image here

Pharmalgen for the Management(Desensitization) of Bee/Wasp Venom Allergy

Image here

Adult Asthma Management

Image here

Paediatric Asthma Management

Image here

Asthma Diagnostic Algorithm

Image here

Asthma Inhaler Formulations

Image here

Management of Acute Asthma in Children

Image here

Management of Acute Asthma in Adults

Image here

Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis

Image here

Hypertension Diagnosis

Image here

Hypertension Management

Image here

COPD Management

Image here

COPD Management

Image here

Management of Adrenal Crisis(Addisonian Crisis)

Image here

QRISK 3 Parameters

Image here QRISK 3 Calculator

HRT Options

Image here

HRT Breast Cancer Risks

Image here

HRT Guide

Image here

HRT Prescribing In Migraine

Image here

HRT Decision Aid

Image here

More on HRT/Menopause

Image here

Progestogenic Effects of Several progestogens

Image here

Hyperthyroidism Treatment Algorithm

Image here

Management of Primary Hypothyroidism

Image here

Management of Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy

Image here

Management of Subclinical Hypothyroidism

Image here

UKMEC For Contraception Choices

UKMEC Guideline

Chronic Heart Failure Diagnosis

Image here

Causes of Falsely Raised or Low NT-ProBNP

Image here

Chronic Heart Failure Management

Image here

Emergency Contraception Algorithm

Image here

More on Emergency Contraception

Image here

More on Emergency Contraception Options

Image here

Cow Milk Protein Allergy Algorithm

Image here

More on cow milk protein Allergy

Image here

And More on cow milk protein Allergy

Image here

Bedwetting(Enuresis) In Children

Image here

More on Bedwetting(Enuresis) In Children

Image here

Assessment and Management of Precocious Puberty

Image here

More on Assessment and Management of Precocious Puberty

Image here

Management of Peripheral Artery Disease(Intermittent Claudication)

Image here

Diabetic Review Template

Image here

Diabetic Review-Remote

Image here

Type 2 Diabetes: Choosing First Line Treatment

Image here

Type 2 Diabetes: Choosing Further Treatment

Image here

More on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Management

Image here

Mechanism of Action and Side Effects of Anti-Diabetic Medications

Image here

Type 2 Diabetes: Treatment Targets(Target HbA1C)

Image here

Diabetic Medications Profile

Image here Image here

Glycaemic Index of Foods(Diabetes Management)

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Glycaemic Index of Fruits(Diabetes Management)

Image here

Glycaemic Index of Vegetables(Diabetes Management)

Image here

Management of Rosacea

Image here

Management of Reflux in Formula-Fed Babies

Image here

Management of Reflux in Breast fed Babies

Image here

More on Reflux in Babies

Image here

Lab Diagnosis of Lyme Disease

Image here

Centor Scoring For Pharyngitis

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FEVERPAIN Scoring For Pharyngitis

Image here

Paediatric Traffic Light(Assessment of an Unwell Child)

Image here

Bronchiolitis/Lower Respiratory Tract Infection Management Flowchart

Image here

Bronchiolitis/Lower Respiratory Tract Infection Management Flowchart

Image here

Referral Criteria for Tonsillectomy

Image here

Anaphylaxis Treatment Before/During Hospital Transfer

Image here

Adrenaline/Epinephrine Dosing in Anaphylaxis

Image here

Treament of Suspected Meningococcal Meningitis Before/During Hospital Transfer

Image here

Treatment of Unstable Angina(Crescendo Angina)/NSTEMI(Myocardial Infarction) before/During Hospital Transfer

Image here

Treatment of STEMI((Myocardial Infarction)) before/During Hospital Transfer

Image here

Treatment of Seizure before/During Hospital Transfer

Image here

Treatment of Croup before/During Hospital Transfer. Oral Prednisolone is an Alternative

Image here

Treatment of Hypoglycaemia before/During Hospital Transfer

Image here Image here

Contraindications to Sildenafil(Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors) Use

Image here

Assessment and Management of Stable Angina

Image here

More on Management of Stable Angina

Image here

Use of Antiplatelets in Acute Coronary syndromes(Unstable angina,NSTEMI,STEMI) and TIA/Stroke

Image here

Just In Case Medications For Palliative Care

Image here

Care of The Dying Patient

Image here

Adult psoriasis Management Algorithm

Image here

Paediatric psoriasis Management Algorithm

Image here

Maddrey's Discriminant Score for Alcoholic Hepatitis

Image here Maddrey's Discriminant Score Calculator

ROME IV Diagnostic Criteria for IBS(Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Image here ROME IV IBS Calculator

King's College Criteria for Liver Transplantation in Acute Liver Failure(Acetaminophene/Paracetamol Aetiology)

Image here King's College Liver Transplantation Criteria Calculator

King's College Criteria for Liver Transplantation in Acute Liver Failure(Non-Acetaminophene/Non-Paracetamol Aetiology)

Image here King's College Liver Transplantation Criteria Calculator

Upper GI Bleeding Pre-Endoscopy Risk Stratification Scoring(Glasgow-Blatchford)

Image here Glasgow-Blatchford Calculator

Upper GI Bleeding Post-Endoscopy Severity/Mortality Prediction Scoring(Rockall Scoring)

Image here Rockall Calculator

Well Score for DVT

Image here DVT Wells Score Calculator

Well Score for Pulmonary Embolism

Image here PE Wells Score Calculator

2WW Referral Criteria for Suspected Bowel Cancer

Image here

qFIT(Quantitative Faecal Immunochemical Test)

Image here

2WW Referral Criteria for Suspected Breast Cancer

Image here

2WW Referral Criteria for Suspected Lung Cancer

Image here

2WW Referral Criteria for Suspected Melanoma

Image here

2WW Referral Criteria for Suspected Haematological Cancers

Image here

2WW Referral Criteria for Suspected Gynaecological Cancers

Image here

2WW Referral Criteria to Neurology Service

Image here

Ottawa Rule for Knee Injury-Deciding whether to xray or not

Image here

Ottawa Rule for Ankle Injury-Deciding whether to xray or not

Image here

Head and Cervical Spine Injury Decision Aid

Image here

Primary and Secondary Fracture Prevention(Osteoporosis)

Image here

FRAX Score for Predicting Risk of Osteoporosis and Fragility Fractures

Image here FRAX Score Calculator

NOGG Interpretation of FRAX Scoring(Osteoporosis)

Image here

Acute Headache Flowchart

Image here

Headache Assessment and Management

Image here

Migraine Management Algorithm---Headache

Image here

Trigeminal Neuralgia Management Options---Headache

Image here

PMR(Polymyalgia Rheumatica) Assessment

Image here

PMR(Polymyalgia Rheumatica) Treatment

Image here

Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis Flare

Image here

Management of Acute Alcohol Withdrawal(Alcohol Detox)

Image here

Guide to Alcohol Units

Image here

SADQ(Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire)

Image here SADQ Calculator

AUDIT-C(Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test Consumption)

Image here AUDIT C Calculator

Paracetamol Overdose

Image here

Red Flags in Paediatric Headache

Image here

Red Flags in Adult Headache

Image here Image here

Assessment and Management of Suspected GCA(Giant Cell Arteritis)/ Temporal Arteritis

Image here

IBS Diagnostic Flowchart

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IBS Management Flowchart

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Opioid Conversion Ratios(Morphine)--NICE CKS

Image here

Back Pain Red Flags

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Management of Acute Back Pain/Sciatica

Image here

Diagnostic Criteria for Axial Spondyloarthritis/Ankylosing Spondyloarthritis

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Diagnostic Criteria for SLE(Lupus)

Image here

Chronic Pain Management

Image here

Indications For Genetic Referral(Breast Cancer)

Image here

Neonatal Blood Spot Tests

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Indications For Referral In CKD(Nephrology Referral)

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Chornic Kidney Disease/CKD Staging

Image here

Abnormal LFT Decicions

Image here

When to repeat bloods in Abnormal LFTs

Image here

NAFLD(Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) Management(Manchester NHS Trust)

Image here

Isolated Raised Conjugated Bilirubin(Dubin-Johnson Syndrome)

Image here

Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Referral

Image here Image here

Cough Red Flags

Image here

Treatment of Shingles(Herpes Zoster)

Image here

Constipation Red Flags in Children

Image here

Treatment of UTI in Children

Image here

Referral Criteria for UTI in Children

Image here

Dementia Care Pathway

Image here

Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE)--Dementia

Image here IQCODE Calculator

6-CIT(Cognitive Impairment Test)--Dementia

Image here 6-CIT Calculator

GPCOG(GP Assessment of Cognition)--Dementia

Image here GPCOG Calculator

Dementia Management

Image here

Non-Alzheimer Dementia-Pharmacology

Image here

Side Effects of Dementia Medications

Image here

Referral Criteria in PID(Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)

Image here

ABPI(Ankle Brachial Pulse Index)

Image here

Treatment of Thrush(Vaginal Candidiasis) in Pregnancy

Image here

Varicella(Chicken pox) Exposure in Pregnancy

Image here

Antibiotic Prescribing in Sore Throat

Image here

More on Antibiotic Prescribing in Sore Throat

Image here

UK Immunisation Schedule

Image here

ADHD Assessment

Image here

Differential Diagnoses of Childhood Behavioural Problems

Image here

Red Flags of Childhood Behavioural Problems

Image here

Management of Childhood Behavioural Problems

Image here

Cervical Smear(Pap smear) Flowchart

Image here

Abnormal Pap smear Flowchart(Colposcopy)

Image here

Managing Abnormal Colposcopy

Image here

Monitoring Requirements For Terbinafine

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Fungal Nail Infection Management

Image here

Management of Insomnia

Image here

Sleep Hygiene

Image here

Atrial Fibrillation: Assessment and Management

Image here

CHA2-DS2-VASc(Thrombosis Risk) and HASBLED(Bleeding Risk) Scoring in Atrial Fibrillation Management

Image here CHA2-DS2-VASc Score Calculator HASBLED Calculator

ORBIT Scoring(Bleeding Risk) in Atrial Fibrillation Management.Recommended by NICE.

Image here ORBIT Calculator

Atrial Fibrillation Management

Image here

Atrial Fibrillation Management-Flowchart

Image here

Weight Management: Tier 2 and Tier 3 Referrals

Image here

Suspected DVT Treatment Flowchart

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Suspected PE Treatment Flowchart

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DVT/PE Anticoagulation

Image here

Multiple Sclerosis McDonald Diagnostic Criteria

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Multiple Sclerosis

Image here

Multiple Sclerosis

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Multiple Sclerosis Pathophysiology

Image here

Multiple Sclerosis Management Flowchart

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Causes of Pruritus ani

Image here

Treatment of Pruritus ani

Image here

Management of Epicondylitis(Tennis and Golfer Elbow)

Image here

Epworth Sleepiness Scale For Sleep Apnoea Assessment

Image here Epworth Sleepiness Score Calculator

Berlin Questionnaire For Sleep Apnoea Assessment

Image here Berlin Questionnaire Calculator

CFS(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Assessment)

Image here

CFS(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Management)

Image here

CFS(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) Exclusion Criteria

Image here

Terbinafine Monitoring

Image here

Tinnitus Management

Image here

Tinnitus Referral Criteria

Image here

Tinnitus Red flags

Image here

HINTS(Vertigo/Dizziness/Nystagmus Assessment)

Image here Watch this video on how to perform the HINTS test

Hearing loss Referral Criteria

Image here

Treatment of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding(Menorrhagia)

Image here

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding(Menorrhagia): Investigations

Image here

Delaying/Postponing Menstruation

Image here

Dyspepsia/Acid Reflux/GORD/Peptic Ulcer Management Algorithms

Image here

Erectile Dysfunction Assessment

Image here

Erectile Dysfunction Investigation

Image here

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Image here

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment(Medications)

Image here

More on Erectile Dysfunction Prescribing--NICE CKS

Image here

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS) Treatment

Image here

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS) Referral

Image here

Stroke/TIA(Transient Ischaemic Attack) Management Algorithm

Image here

Secondary Stroke/TIA(Transient Ischaemic Attack) prevention

Image here

Gynaecomastia Assessment

Image here

Gynaecomastia Referral Criteria

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Dupuytren Contracture: Assessment

Image here

Dupuytren Contracture: Treatment

Image here

Dupuytren Contracture: Referral Criteria

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Raynauds Phenomenon: Assessment

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Raynauds Phenomenon: Treatment

Image here

Raynauds Referral Criteria

Image here

Treatment of Varicose Veins

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OSA(obstructive sleep apnoea) Assessment

Image here

OSA(obstructive sleep apnoea) Referral

Image here

Hirsutism Treatment

Image here

Intermenstrual Bleeding: Causes

Image here

Intermenstrual Bleeding: Treatment

Image here

Cervical Smear as Assessment of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

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Colposcopy Referral

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Falls Assessment

Image here

Causes of Restless Leg Syndrome

Image here

Treatment of Restless Leg Syndrome

Image here

Aetiology of Plantar Fasciitis

Image here

Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis

Image here

Relative Risk of VTE with several CHC-contraception

Image here

Missed POP(Progesterone Only Contraceptive Pill)

Image here

Missed CHC(Combined Hormonal Contraception)

Image here

CHC Options(Combined Hormonal Contraception)

Image here

Breast Cancer Risk Factors

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Statin Monitoring/Cholesterol

Image here

Indications for Statin Initiation/QRISK/Cholesterol

Image here

Baseline Lipid Measurement

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Suspected Testicular Torsion Management

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Suspected Epididymo-orchitis Assessment

Image here

Suspected Testicular Torsion Assessment

Image here

Red Flags in Chronic Sinusitis

Image here

Referral Criteria in Chronic Sinusitis

Image here

Pharmacologic Management of Constipation in Children

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Smoking Cessation Guidelines

Image here Image here Image here

Topical Steroid Preparations

Image here

FTU(Finger Tip Units) for Topical Steroid Application

Image here

Asthma/COPD Inhaler Formulations

Image here

Chronic Asthma Management in Adults

Image here

Spacer Devices for Inhalers

Image here

Guide to Prescribing in Parkinson's Disease

Image here

Management of Postural(Orthostatic) Hypotension

Image here

Management of Opioid Dependence

Image here

Management of Opioid Dependence/Opioid Substitution Therapy

Image here Image here Image here Image here Image here Image here Image here Image here

Drugs Used in Managing Obesity(Weight Management)

Image here

Epistaxis/Nose Bleed Management

Image here

Depression Matched-Care Model

Image here

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale

Image here EPDS Score Calculator

Switching Antidepressants

Image here

More on Switching and Stopping Antidepressants

Image here

Antidepressants Side Effects

Image here

Assessment of Eating Disorder(Anorexia/Bulimia/Binge Eating)--NICE CKS

Image here

Clinical Features of Eating Disorders(Anorexia/Bulimia/Binge Eating)--NICE CKS

Image here

Management of Eating Disorder(Anorexia/Bulimia/Binge Eating)--NICE CKS

Image here

Red Flags In Gallstone/Cholelithiasis Assessment

Image here

When to Refer in Suspected IBD(Inflammatory Bowel Disease)

Image here

Managing Crohn's disease(IBD) in Primary Care

Image here

Managing Ulcerative Colitis(IBD) in Primary Care

Image here

Assessment of Red Eye: Flowchart

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Serotonin Syndrome Assessment

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Serotonin Syndrome Diagnosis and Management

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Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Diagnosis and Management

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Scabies Treatment

Image here Image here

Traumatic Tympanic Membrane Perforation

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Traumatic Tympanic Membrane Perforation

Image here

Assessment and Management of MGUS(Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance)

Image here

MGUS(Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance) Assessment Flowchart

Image here

Risk of Progression of MGUS(Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance) to Myeloma

Image here

Referral Criteria for MGUS(Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance)

Image here

Multiple Joint Pain(Polyarthralgia) Assessment

Image here

Referral Criteria for Multiple Joint Pain(Polyarthralgia)

Image here

Hypokalaemia Assessment

Image here

Hypokalaemia Management

Image here

Hyperkalaemia Assessment and Management

Image here

CURB-65(Pneumonia/Chest Infection) Risk Stratification

Image here CURB-65 Score Calculator

Management of Bell's Palsy

Image here

Mental Health/Psychiatric Medications in Maternity(Pregnancy and Breastfeeding)

Image here

COPD Annual Review Template

Image here

Asthma Action Plan

Image here

Asthma Review Template

Image here

Asthma Review Template 2

Image here
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